Are You Committed to Cordless?

With potential industry changes related to corded window coverings looming on the horizon, A&I Manufacturing is asking the question we’ve been asking for years: “Why wait?”  

What happened in Canada may not stay in Canada.  

In the spring of 2021, Health Canada issued updated regulations surrounding the use of corded window coverings in the interest of health and safety. These new regulations set cord lengths at 8.66 inches, and the perimeter of loops created by reachable cords to 17.32 inches. According to a report by the Calgary Herald, the government crackdown on corded window treatments has left the shelves of big box retailers empty while manufacturers race to redesign their products to meet the new safety standards. At present, corded blinds are not regulated under state or federal legislation. Yet, in 2018, the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) voted on new, voluntary standards for window treatments. All standard model window blinds were expected to be cordless by 2019.  Now, there are whispers of industry speculation that the United States may follow Canada’s footsteps. 

The reason behind this concern is well-founded: Corded window treatments pose a significant risk to children and pets. According to an estimate by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), nearly 600 children in the U.S. each year end up in the emergency room for “injuries related to window blinds, shades and cords.” 

The solution is simple: avoid tragedy and create a child-safe environment by making educated choices in window treatments for your home. 

“Child safety isn’t a gimmick; it’s a priority,” said Malchijah Boyd, Vice President of Marketing and Product Development at A&I Manufacturing. “For the past several years, we have been actively expanding our line of motorized products, including fully cordless options designed to mitigate risk and make our customers’ homes a worry-free environment. These products are free of loops and cords, creating a safer home for children and pets.” 

Avoiding tragedy and creating a worry-free, child-safe environment involves making educated choices in window treatments for your home. As a family-owned business, A&I is pleased to provide products and resources that will help keep your child safe. Visit our CHILD SAFETY page to learn more.


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Balancing Light and Learning